画像と動画 / Images and Videos
We aim to create an experience that is as much like viewing the real thing as possible, even through an online screen.
Colours are developed and edited in a color-managed environment, and brightness and saturation are not increased beyond what is necessary to bring the colors as close to the actual work as possible.
The videos are uploaded in 4K/60P, so if you have trouble in playing smoothly, please lower the quality by clicking on the video settings button.

If an error message appears during playback, please reload the page.

CAT'S FOREHEADに掲載している画像・動画は、一部の外部提供素材と2021年以前に制作されたものを除いて、鎌倉のスタジオに降り注ぐ太陽光の自家発電による電力で撮影と編集をしております。
All images and videos on CAT'S FOREHEAD, with the exception of some externally provided materials and those produced before 2021, are shot and edited using electricity generated in-house by sunlight falling on our studio in Kamakura.
Solar Made Films